By A Quantum Care Client
On day one I received instructions to carry out the Quantum Cure Protocol. At the completion of the 40 days, every aspect of my life was being impacted by the hour. There’s so much to share, but here are a few highlights.
Here are areas that were impacted during my Quantum Cure Protocol. Each of these items were in a poor to very poor state of performance prior to, and each were dramatically and positively improved
I now fall asleep within 15 mins of going to bed, sleep soundly through the night and wake several minutes prior to the alarm going off. This is consistently the case.
I experience dreams again.
I have the best overall and consistent physical energy that I’ve experienced in 10 years.
I have joy in my heart again and find myself smiling for no reason on a regular basis.
I experience tremendous calm and simultaneously have what feels like invincibility
Chronic, daily occipital muscle headaches have disappeared.
I literally see myself glowing with all the bright colors of the chakras, and so do others. More often than not I’ll enter a group of people in public and I see people all around me taking a double take.
My emotional state of being is a constant elated feeling of how awesome life is.
I’ve just now experienced a head cold, the first in a decade, and amazingly my physical energy remains unaffected and I’m able to continue on as though I have no cold.
Midway through the protocol I woke up one morning, took a look around at my house, and said to myself “this is how we're living? Hell no”, and proceeded to do a full makeover on my home. New appliances, lights, blinds and ceiling fans.
I have gained a new interest, a hunger really, for learning. I have read 10 books during the protocol and keep ordering new ones weekly.
I have a general feeling of connectedness. I feel more one with everything than at any other point in my life.
From a subjective standpoint I feel younger, stronger, and more healthy in every aspect of my physical and emotional being.
I will continue to practice the Quantum Cure Protocol indefinitely as I have never experienced such powerful rewards from any other therapy or practice.
-GC 56, Male

-CC, 60 Female
“When I met Dr. Stacy and found out about the Quantum Care Program, I was very excited to participate. In my opinion nothing would be more healing than being aware of your body and the energy that it makes us be who we are. The Quantum Care program provided me with beautiful meditation and visualization that helped me tremendously in healing many areas of my physical body as well as my spiritual body. Learning to visualize and balance my chakras gives me peace and makes me feel safe. I recommend this method of Quantum Care to anyone who wants to better themselves physically and spiritually. The results will amaze you. Thank you Dr. Stacy, you are awesome!!!
“ I sleep all through night and energy all day! Before the Quantum Care program with Dr. Musselman, I wasn’t getting a full night's rest and my energy levels were low. Now I feel balanced and full of energy. It was incredible to see all the information Dr. Musselman’s bloodwork revels! She was able to address things my other doctors couldn’t. I recommend it to all clients and they all come back to me with success stories!"

-LM 56, Massage Therapist and Esthetician
I’ve been working with energy for more than 25 years and this quantum energy is unique. The healing current was strong and mutable. It changed with my intentions and expanded over the 6 weeks. My individual and global work were greatly enhanced with patients reporting new experiences in other realms and dramatic decreases in pain. I also experienced the healing current wrapping around the globe and anchoring in the earth’s core. The bowls enhanced the energy in strength and texture. Colors were vivid and varied throughout the weeks. Physically I had more energy than usual, especially for the winter. Normally I need to use a full spectrum light to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder, however, during the study it was unnecessary. A few times I had insomnia and the bowls helped me fall asleep. I focused on my endocrine system and to my amazement my DHEA levels rose and that was expressed in my bloodwork, after just 40 days! This is remarkable for a 67 year old woman.
All in all my general sense of well being increased and I was inspired toward a higher level of self care.
-67, Retired Clinical Nurse Specialist & Minister of Spiritual Science
"I had been having strange symptoms that were progressively getting worse and I couldn't figure out what was going on with me. I was getting really bad vertigo but it was different than the description of most vertigo I read about. I have never suffered from depression but I was definitely feeling down and with low energy. Luckily a nurse friend of mine recommended that I get blood work done with Dr. Musselman and I am so happy I did!!! My blood tests showed what the issues were and Dr. Musselman created a personalized Quantum Care protocol with recommended supplements. I started feeling a little better within 1-2 weeks and I haven't had an episode for months now. It is so amazing!!! I still have a bit more work to do but I am so so grateful to Dr. Musselman for helping me feel good again!!!! Thank you thank you thank you I am so grateful!!!!"
-TC 39, Female
After going through Dr. Stacy’s Quantum Cure program, I have noticed significant changes in my energy, digestion, and thinking. At first I was a bit nervous to do the blood work since I don’t do well with giving blood so I took the day off of work just in case. I was shocked at how easy and painless it ended up being. I was in and out of the clinic in ten minutes and felt 100% fine when I left as if nothing had been done. I received the results back in two days and was pretty shocked at some of the things going on with my system.
Stacy was very quick and attentive at scheduling a meeting to go over everything as well as implement a program to address the areas where I was off. Within three days of the program my stomach bloating had significantly gone down so much and I was so energetic yet calm. I clearly was having digestive issues that Stacy tackled within days. In addition to the supplements, the morning and nightly meditations and mantras helped give me a more peaceful, calmer mind, especially with work stress. I try to avoid caffeine, and felt less of a need for it shortly into the program. My mind is calmer and I don’t feel my stomach turn into crazy knots when work or life stress me out.
Within a month, another observation I made which I strongly feel is from the Quantum Cure program is that my monthly cycle was so easy going and cramp-free- that’s never happened! This has continued to feel easy throughout the entire program. Stacy is very informative and receptive to feedback, questions, observations, not to mention her caring and enthusiastic energy she gives off. I am so grateful for her and her program and highly recommend her to anyone looking to improve any area of their health and well-being.
- Skyler .M Female 34
Tax Specialist
“Thank you Dr Musselman! The amazing results that I got from doing my Quantum Care protocols have positively impacted my life in so many ways. I like the fact that Dr. Musselman gave me the opportunity to work on my health with noninvasive options. My energy is more balanced and I definitely feel an increase in my testosterone and it showed in my bloodwork. I have more interest in having sex, my libido is back on track and I feel fantastic. I enjoy that I now have intentionality when it comes to meditating twice A-day and I am going to try to maintain that throughout the future."

Motivational Speaker//45
I am so grateful for Dr. Musselman’s vision and passion. I am proof of the miracle in adhering to this program. Being in my 60’s and at this stage in life, I believe this helps anybody , it sure is working for me !!!
Thank you Dr. Musselman
-ED, Male
Retired // 62
Testimonials Cont.

-S.M. D.N.M. Ph.D
“The Quantum Care program got me in the best shape of my life at 45! Inside and out! I increased my optimal biomarkers by 12 with my personalized protocol and have never looked or felt better! It’s all about the bloodwork!! My probability of thyroid dysfunction is gone and I have improved my hormone and immune function. I took the power of my health in my own hands and it made all the difference! By evaluating my comprehensive panels and looking for the physiological trends within the biomarkers, I was easily able to follow my individualized protocol for optimal results… All my friends are asking…what have you done? The results are amazing!!
"As I sit here typing this, I know I have become more driven, more fueled, much more energized as a result of the Quantum Care program- and I FEEL, HEALTHIER & BETTER!!!! My pain has reduced significantly, I often don't feel any pain at all. I seem to be getting better and better mentally, faster, fitter, stronger- at 48- that is something to say. I now get a sense I was shut off sexually- due to not really going after a partner. I am now clear what I am looking for and going after it. It is difficult to put into words the effect on my overall feeling of health. This study also made me more conscious of my emotions, and so made me take better care of myself. I experienced negative emotions when I did not take of myself, eg. went to bed too late, ate badly, and these seemed to be more potent than before- I think I just became more sensitive- more in tune with myself. The result of this was, I went to bed earlier, sometimes 7-8pm, but I wake up powerful and charged to handle the day ahead. I LOVE THIS- THIS IS THE BEST RESULT I COULD HAVE ASKED FOR!!!! What more could you want? ENERGY is EVERYTHING! I am taking more breaks to meditate and using the colors has profound results, as does the deep breathing, even in small doses. I have to do this practice more to connect myself to myself and to others, and the Cosmos. This is more powerful than any book. You can literally feel your BODY Awakening- as you have given it no attention for years!!! I have no doubt this program can help anyone, of almost any age, as long as old enough/able to concentrate. It maybe more powerful than food, as food does not make you feel like this, but of course should be used alongside a healthy lifestyle- as a means for personal and spiritual development, and Health. 10/10. WOW!"

“I have been working with Dr. Musselman for 3/4 years now and the results are outstanding! I knew she was special for the start. No one had ever taken such a comprehensive assessment of my health and addressed the root cause. I was in great shape when we started and it blew me away that I could be in even better shape! The blood doesn't lie, it truly is the library of the body. Working with Dr. Musselman has improved my outlook on life and overall mental health. The people around see the difference and I have the bloodwork to prove it. I increased my optimal biomarkers by 7 after the 1st protocol and my testosterone has increased. I am the strongest I have ever been and my drive and motivation are inspired by the Quantum Care. She has truly changed my life for the best. My vision even improved! I have worn glasses for as long as I can remember and I don’t need or wear them anymore. Truly incredible, thank you Dr. Musselman.”
-S.L. Male 44 Real Estate Entrepreneur
"I had been having strange symptoms that were progressively getting worse and I couldn't figure out what was going on with me. I was getting really bad vertigo but it was different than the description of most vertigo I read about. I have never suffered from depression but I was definitely feeling down and with low energy. Luckily a nurse friend of mine recommended that I get blood work done with Dr. Musselman and I am so happy I did!!! My blood tests showed what the issues were and Dr. Musselman created a personalized Quantum Care protocol with recommended supplements. I started feeling a little better within 1-2 weeks and I haven't had an episode for months now. It is so amazing!!! I still have a bit more work to do but I am so so grateful to Dr. Musselman for helping me feel good again! Thank you thank you thank you I am so grateful!"
-N.F. Male 52
“Thanks to the Quantum Care program, I lost 35 pounds and I feel like a million bucks! Dr. Musselman’s recommendations were easy and I have never felt better. I love my skin, and I actually take my shirt off now, at the sandbar! Thank you!"